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Flash Protection Kits
FR Garments
8 cal/cm² FR Garments
12 cal/cm² FR Garments
20 cal/cm² FR Garments
40 cal/cm² FR Garments
Head and Face Protection
Voltage Gloves, Sleeves and Accessories
Insulted Rubber Blankets & Accessories
Insulated Tools Kits
Ratchets, Torque Wrenches, Sockets and Extensions
Screw Drivers and Screw Starters
Nut Drivers
Allen Wrenches
Wrenches, Pliers and Crimpers
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Wire Strippers, 1000v Insulated
Wire stripper, wire cutter, bolt
cutter, plier and crimper all in one
• Plier style nose allows looping
and pulling of wire
• Strips and cuts 10-20 AWG wire
• Cuts bolts through #10
-Please Select-
9" - $2.00 additional
Price: $31.00
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