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Flash Protection Kits
FR Garments
8 cal/cm² FR Garments
12 cal/cm² FR Garments
20 cal/cm² FR Garments
40 cal/cm² FR Garments
Head and Face Protection
Voltage Gloves, Sleeves and Accessories
Insulted Rubber Blankets & Accessories
Insulated Tools Kits
Ratchets, Torque Wrenches, Sockets and Extensions
Screw Drivers and Screw Starters
Nut Drivers
Allen Wrenches
Wrenches, Pliers and Crimpers
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30 Piece Electrical Maintenence Tool Kit
Kit Includes one of each:
3/8 Dr. Ratchet,
3" & 6" Extension
Deepwell Sockets 3/8",7/16",1/2",9/16" 5/8",11/16",3/4", and 13/16"
30-150 Inch Lbs. Torque Wrench
Box End Wrenches 3/8",7/16",1/2",9/16" and 5/8", 11/16",3/4", and 13/16"
Pen Light
7" Diag. Plier
9" Wire Stripper
7" Needle Nose Plier
9" Lineman's Plier
1/8" Tip CT Screw Driver
3/16" Tip x 4" CT Screw Driver
3/16" Tip x 6" CT Screw Driver
#1 x 3" Phillips Screw Driver
#2 x 4" Phillips Screw Driver
Fitted Case
Price: $1,320.00
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